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Always Been Yours Chapter 833

Chapter 833 Done and Dusted

“I heard you left the orchestra. Do you still practise at home?”

“Yes, I practise for four hours every day,” Tessa responded honestly.

Sofia asked a few more questions before dismissing her.

On the way back, Louis wanted to encourage Tessa, but his words were a little prickly due to his personality.

“I’ve given you the opportunity and helped you to relay my words. You better not embarrass me, or else you can keep my name off your lips in the future.”

“Don’t worry. You will not be embarrassed.” Tessa nodded and smiled, unconcerned by his tone. This was because she was aware of Louis’ personality.

“Mommy, are you going to compose music now?” Gregory inquired when they returned home.

“Yes. Mommy only has one day, so I need to hurry,” she patiently responded to him.

He then smiled brightly at his mommy, cheering her on and saying, “Mommy, best of luck! You are free to ignore me and I will not bother you.”

Needless, Tessa felt incredibly warm when she heard this.

“Greg, how can Mommy ignore you? I need you by my side so that I can gain confidence and compose better music,” she said softly, ruffling his black hair.

“Really? Do you really need me, Mommy?” His doe eyes twinkled like stars as he looked at Tessa.

“Of course, it’s true. You are my lucky star,” she said affirmatively while nodding. When he heard this, he smiled broadly and his eyes curved into crescents.

Tessa settled down after a few minutes of laughter and began composing. Well-mannered and considerate, Gregory went about his business quietly so as not to disturb her.

After dinner that night, Nicholas made a video call. He was aware that Tessa had met her future mentor today, so he inquired about the situation with concern. “How’s Miss Sofia? Is she nice?”

“Yeah, she is.” Tessa then summarized the events of the day, including the test Sofia administered to her.

Nicholas’ eyes were outrageously loving as he looked at the fighting spirit on his wife’s face.

“All the best! I’ll be looking forward to your good news.”

After a brief conversation with him, Tessa hung up the phone and returned to her composition.

The large desk was already covered in various materials at this point. She buried her face among them, writing and scribbling as she chanted words in her mouth.

“To make it smoother, the melody should be in allegro.”

“La, la, la…” While writing, she hummed the melody and before she knew it, it was midnight.

Tessa, however, had yet to compose a melody that she was pleased with at the time. While trying to play the melody on her violin, she kept pruning and changing it.

After a sleepless night, she finally finished composing a piece that she was happy with. Regardless, she was nervous. Despite the fact that she had previously attempted to compose and that her ability was solid, she had never been put to the test by others.

Furthermore, she had not received any composition lessons during her previous classes with Hathaway, so she was not sure if this song would catch Miss Sofia’s attention. With such concerns, she lay on the bed and unknowingly fell asleep.

Tessa awoke the next day around noon, startled. She checked the time and was relieved to see that it was still two hours before Sofia’s deadline.

Thankfully, she did not oversleep.

Subsequently, she got dressed and went downstairs.

Gregory trotted over to her downstairs as soon as he saw her and exclaimed, “Mommy, you’re up! Do you want to eat?”

“I’m starving. Have you eaten anything? Would you like to have lunch with Mommy?” Tessa smiled as she turned to face Gregory.

Of course, he agreed.

During the meal, he was concerned about her progress and asked, “Mommy, have you finished your composition? Will we see Granny Sofia later?”


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