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Always Been Yours Chapter 694

Chapter 694 Tired

“I-I was just kidding,” Tessa explained dryly, trying to dispel Nicholas’ idea.

After all, if she really let this man have his way in bed, she would definitely die from exhaustion on the bed.

He looked at the girl who had turned red from her neck and smiled with a trace of wickedness before whispering, “But I was serious about it.”

Tessa turned even redder when she heard this, and she could even feel the heat emanating from her face from the force of her blush.

At the same time, she also knew in her heart that the man would definitely get what he wanted. Hence, the only thing she could do was delay it.

Although she felt it was not very useful, at least it would be pushed back for a while.

“So what? Your wound hasn’t even healed yet. The doctor said you can’t do any vigorous exercise.”

Nicholas smiled lightly, knowing that this woman was trying to stall the matter.

However, he did not want to let it go.

“Who said my wound hasn’t healed? On the contrary, I think it’s fine. After all, the wounds were fine for the entire afternoon, weren’t they?”

When he brought up the incident in the lounge this afternoon, it made it irrefutable for Tessa. Right then, she felt she would lose her life, so she decided to escape.

“Alright, I’m done putting on the ointment. I’ll go check if Greg is asleep.”

After she finished speaking, she put the ointment away and wanted to run.

But before she could even take a step, Nicholas grabbed her wrist and pulled her, pulling her whole body into his arms before quickly turning over and pressing her under him.

Tessa couldn’t even react before he kissed her.

The two pairs of lips pressed against each other had a hint of gentleness within their dominion, making them succumb to each other.

In the end, Tessa had no idea how many rounds they went for, but she was so tired that she barely had the strength to open her eyes.

Nicholas hugged her with a contented face and said warmly, “Go to sleep. I won’t bother you anymore.”

However, she couldn’t hear anything he said at all.

She just nodded randomly and fell into a deep sleep.

Before she fell asleep, she felt a sense of gratitude that she didn’t pass out from exhaustion due to their vigorous activities.

Once she slept, she did not wake up until noon the next day.

When she woke up, she immediately grimaced in pain as her whole body ached. It felt like her entire body was a giant bruise.

Then, she shot an angry glare to the other side of the bed.

That was where Nicholas slept, but no one was there now.

She was upset when she thought about how that man could still easily wake up early in the morning.

Especially when she thought about how she had been tossed around, begging for mercy, but the man didn’t seem to be satisfied and continued.

“D*mn it. He’d better not think about touching me after this.”

Tessa pummeled his pillow angrily as if she was really beating him up.

Nicholas, who just happened to walk in on her, couldn’t help but laugh at her childish actions.

“What’s wrong? Did the pillow make you angry?”

She didn’t expect him to come in so suddenly, and knowing that he saw the childish thing she did, she was immediately embarrassed and annoyed. She wanted to burrow herself into the ground.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw him approaching, and she quickly wrapped herself in the comforter, looking like she did not want to talk to anyone.

However, Nicholas did not care as he came and sat down next to her and spoke in a gentle voice, smiling, “All right, don’t be angry. Get up and have lunch.”

“I don’t want to talk to you,” Tessa said, tightening her grip on the comforter and moving away, showing her resolute attitude with her actions.

This made him chuckle; he thought that she was cute when angered and that this side of hers was new to him.

He had never seen such a childish side from her.

All along, she had always been strong, independent, and hardworking as she strived to achieve her dreams in front of him.

When he thought of that, he couldn’t help but tease her, “If you’re not going to get up, I don’t mind helping you. But, as you know, I have very little self-control when it comes to you. And if I can’t hold myself back on the spur of the moment, we might—”

Before he could finish, Tessa tossed herself to face him while burrowing within the comforter.

“I’m already so tired, and you still want to come at me.”


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