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Always Been Yours Chapter 391-2

Chapter 391 Meeting

Tessa frowned in disagreement.

But before she could say anything, Timothy continued, “But don’t worry, Tessa. I might not be studying abroad now, but I have a plan. Once the company has stabilized, I’ll find a chance to study overseas and improve myself.”

The frown on Tessa’s forehead disappeared, and she agreed. “Since you have your own plans, then I’d best stay out of it.” She wouldn’t have agreed to that in the past, but Timothy was his own man now, and she had no need to step in. He was an adult, and she should let him do what he wanted.

They talked for a while before hanging up. Timothy put his phone down and went back to work.

Henry knocked on the door and came in later. “Timothy, Mr. Linus has agreed to meet with us at Club Sophisticated.”

“Alright. Have you prepared the files?” Timothy stopped working and looked at Henry seriously.

Henry waved the files at him. “Of course, but see if there’s anything missing. We have to get this project. Once we do, we won’t have to worry about the profits for the second half of the year.”

Timothy said nothing to that. Instead, he looked through the file, and he looked serious about the collaboration. “This here looks vague. Make it more detailed. I don’t want too many problems.” He pointed out one of the flaws.

Henry made the corrections in the office right away.

The new file was done in a while, and it was almost time for the meetup, so they went to the club.

Club Sophisticated was located in the business district, and it was the favorite place of Southend’s upper society. It was classy, and the place was confidential enough.

The waiter led Timothy and Henry into a luxurious room.

They thought Jeremiah was going to be the only one in there, but to their surprise, there was a woman with him, and she was Hayley.

Timothy and Henry thought she was the assistant because of how formal she dressed, but they refuted it a moment later. After all, no assistant had that regal air like Hayley did. They thought it was weird, but they greeted Jeremiah nonetheless.

“Hello, Mr. Linus.”

“Have a seat.” Linus pointed at the couch. He didn’t introduce Hayley.

Since Jeremiah had no intention of introducing the lady beside him, Timothy didn’t ask. They made some small talk and cut to the chase.

Henry didn’t speak much during the negotiation. Jeremiah was different from the bosses he had met. He knew it was impossible for him to handle Jeremiah, so he let Timothy do the talking.

Hayley listened quietly as well. She and Jeremiah were friends, and she knew who Timothy was, so she had come on purpose.

Jeremiah and Timothy had a happy negotiation.

“We have high hopes for this project. Our company is new, but we have better skills in this field compared to our competitors, and that’s our advantage. I hope we can work together,” Timothy concluded and handed the proposal and file to Jeremiah.

Jeremiah took it and skimmed through the files seriously.

Timothy waited calmly, but Henry wasn’t. He seemed a little nervous.

Hayley was observing Timothy quietly. She had to admit that Tessa’s brother was a brilliant man. Given time, he could make a name for himself in Southend. It’s a pity his sister is Tessa.


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