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Always Been Yours Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070 Interview

After arriving at the orchestra, Tessa had only just gotten out of the car when Kellen, who Sofia sent to greet her at the door, came up to welcome her inside.

“Miss Sofia arranged for the interview to be held in the practice room you usually use. Almost everybody has arrived, and Miss Sofia is now greeting the media reporters.” Kellen briefly explained the situation to her.

She was very touched by his words. “I’ve troubled Miss Sofia again.”

In preparation for her special event, Miss Sofia’s days had been incredibly hectic recently, preparing for her special event.

Seeing his junior’s sincere gratitude, the smile on his face softened even more. “This is the first-ever special event in your life, after all. So it’s only natural for Miss Sofia to prioritize this event.”

During their conversation, the two of them arrived at the practice room.

Kellen stopped in his tracks. It was apparent that he had no intention of entering the room. Instead, he gestured toward Tessa and said, “Go on. Once you step inside, it’s your stage. Miss Sofia is also waiting for you inside.”

Tessa nodded, pushed open the door, and then walked into the room without further ado. After she entered the room, she realized that there were many media reporters in the room. So she took a cursory glance around, greeted everybody, and walked toward Sofia.

Following some official courtesies, the interview officially began.

In the beginning, the questions raised by the media reporters were relatively mild. They mainly were to gain an understanding of her daily life.

However, over time, some media reporters began to show impatience. These questions were not interesting, and there was nothing they could use to attract viewers in order to hit their target. Therefore, they soon lost patience and became much sharper with their questions.

“Miss Tessa, many people are comparing you to Eunice. Do you have any opinion on that matter?”

As soon as this question was presented, many media reporters brightened instantly and stared at her with burning gazes.

Before Tessa made her debut, Eunice had been considered one of Sofia’s most outstanding protégés in terms of ability. Otherwise, Eunice would not have been able to rank second.

Some of them even probed further callously, not caring that their questions might cause a possible fallout. Although if a fallout were to be caught live, they might have rejoiced for being the ones at the scene to witness such a scandal. “Miss Tessa, between you and Eunice, who do you think has the better skills?”

Upon hearing such insensitive questions, Sofia’s expression immediately darkened.

Before Sofia could open her mouth to speak, Tessa responded to the media reporter’s sharp inquiry courteously. “Eunice’s achievements are unquestionable. Besides, she is also a protégé who trained under Miss Sofia. It is only natural that she has the talent and skill to attain such a position. Not to mention, I am the last to become one of Miss Sofia’s protégés. I still have much to learn.”

“Even if her skills are outstanding, there is always a distinction regarding who is the better musician. So, Miss Tessa, do you think you are better than her?” The reporter who raised the provocative question earlier tossed out another sharp question. Moreover, she set up a trap for Tessa with this question.

If Tessa answered that she was better, then the reporter could question whether Tessa was referring to Eunice’s ability or even using these words to slap Tessa in the face over the statement she made earlier.

On the other hand, if Tessa answered that she was inferior in terms of skills, then the reporter could accuse her of lacking self-confidence. In any case, the reporter could manipulate the situation to her advantage.

Tessa was intelligent, so she immediately noticed the trap hidden within those words. Even though she was a little unhappy, she did not express her displeasure. Instead, she maintained her slight smile and said, “As I mentioned earlier, I was the last to become Miss Sofia’s protégé. Even if I am talented, I have much to learn and improve. Of course, there will come a day when I can stand side-by-side with my fellow seniors.”

Her statement was absolutely perfect. She didn’t stumble into any pitfalls that could be used as a weapon against her.

Thus, the reporter was very dissatisfied with her answer.

Before the reporter could say anything, Sofia interrupted from where she sat by the side. “The interview today is about the special event. The people gathered here today are the elites in this industry, so please don’t forget about the business at hand.”

Although her words were very gentle, everybody in the room was smart enough to understand the hidden implication behind her mild reminder. They knew that she was giving them a warning. Hence, they immediately withdrew their aggression and returned to asking routine questions.

The morning passed by quickly, just like that, and the interview came to an end.

After Sofia sent the media reporters away, she turned to look at Tessa in concern. “Are you alright? Do you feel tired?”

Tessa met her teacher’s worried gaze and felt warmth flooding her heart. Thus, she shook her head and replied with a smile, “I’m fine. I’ll be fine once I get some rest in the afternoon. On the contrary, I have troubled you greatly over the past few days, Miss Sofia. You’ve been running around for my sake.”


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