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A Man Like None Other Chapter 3153

“I watched him survive through the lightning tribulation, kill a silverfeather hawk, and defeat the soul remnant of an ancient cultivator alone. I saw all that with my own eyes. It was a shocking scene. The island vanished because of the damage caused by Jared’s battle with that ancient cultivator’s soul remnant.” The crew member on the spirit ship had personally. witnessed Jared’s might. He didn’t have the nerve to face Jared.

“What the f*ck are you talking about? Do you think I’m stupid? That brat’s only a Body Fusion Realm cultivator! How powerful can he be? To think you’re saying that he stood his ground against an ancient cultivator. What are you smoking? Fayzon didn’t believe what the crew member told him.

In his mind, there was no way a Tribulator cultivator could be bested by a Body Fusion Realm cultivator.

“That actually did happen! Jared summoned at golden dragon and crushed the ancient cultivator. It was my first time seeing a golden dragon. Its eyes were as large as an aquarium tank!” As the crew member spoke, he gesticulated to illustrate the dragon’s size.

At that moment, Fayzon was so angry that he slapped the crew member’s head so hard that it exploded. The crew member’s body flew straight into the Night Sea. Fayzon snapped, “How dare that b*stard toy with me! He was asking for it…”

He thought the crew member was messing with him. Jared summoning a golden dragon? Ludicrous!

The murder of that crew member terrified the rest of the crew. They dared not speak further, for he was killed for telling the truth.

“Let’s get going! I’ll kill anyone who spouts nonsense at me again!” roared Fayzon. The crew members all lowered their heads as none had the gall to sail the ship toward Jared’s location. After all, if they did, they likely wouldn’t return alive.

Jared had simply shocked them to their core. When they witnessed the appearance of the Golden Dragon, they thought Jared was a deity while they were ants. How could insects ever have the courage to face a god?

Seeing that none of the crew members budged, Fayzon was stunned. He had never seen that before.

“Hey! Are you all deaf? Sail the f*cking ship!”

However, the crew members remained still with their heads hung low. It was as though they were awaiting judgment.

They would rather be murdered by Fayzon than face Jared. After all, they were more likely to die a horrific death at Jared’s hands.

Fayzon panicked and slapped another crew member, sending him flying away before his body exploded in midair into a cloud of red. mist. I’m ordering you to sail the ship now! Or you will all end up like him!” threatened Fayzon.

Unfortunately, his threat was useless. None of the crew members moved even so much as a centimeter. Fayzon screamed in anger and started jumping around on the ship.

He was enraged because a bunch of lowly sailors were disobeying him, the leader of the Demon Seal Alliance, before a crowd.

The intimidating aura within his body exploded. outward and surrounded him. The initially calm Night Sea suddenly stirred as huge waves crashed onto the shore.

“How dare you all challenge my authority! I’m going to kill every last one of you!” Blinded by rage, Fayzon was eager to murder all the crew members.

At that moment, a Tribulator cultivator from the Demon Seal Alliance whispered into Fayzon’s ear, “Please calm down, Mr. Leaveden. There are many people watching. Also, I think Jared’s coming.


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