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A Man Like None Other Chapter 2334

Just when Ronan was about to finish Jared off, a strong gust of wind rushed at him out of the blue. Roar! It turned out that the demon beast had launched itself at Ronan.

With a furious roar, the giant lion struck such terror into the man with its powerful aura that he stumbled several steps away. When he had done so, the giant lion ambled over to Jared. It licked the latter with its tongue before opening its cavernous mouth..

Seeing that, Ronan knew that it wanted to devour Jared. Nonetheless, he made no move to stop it, for all he needed was the man’s head. He could still prove the accomplishment of the mission to Wrey with that item alone..

Putting his sword away, he merely watched as it sunk its teeth into Jared since the latter was destined to die. He did not want to deal with the giant lion alone because he was not its match when his arm had been severed then.

Roar! In the next second, the giant lion swiped its claw across Jared’s body. Yet, its sharp claws could not penetrate the man’s skin.

Then, it started tearing at him with its teeth. But still, it could not break through his skin. At that very moment, Jared was just like a rock. The giant lion wanted to make a meal of him, yet it could not bite into him at all..

At the end of its rope, it glared down at the unconscious man before swinging its paw at his head. When its paw was mere inches away from Jared’s head, a bright light suddenly manifested at the man’s chest.

On the heels of that, a ball of golden light emerged from within his body. The instant the ball of golden light appeared, a mighty aura started permeating the air. The giant lion was so petrified that it swiftly backed away.

The ball of golden light gradually expanded. Eventually, it slowly began to unfurl and transformed into a phoenix that flew circles around Jared.

The sight of the phoenix that appeared out of nowhere had horror brim in the giant lion’s eyes. It let loose a terrified roar and dropped to its knees on the ground.

On top of that, it kept its head hung low as though worshipping the phoenix. As Ronan witnessed that scene, shock showed on his face. He could not fathom why a phoenix suddenly emerged from Jared’s body.

The phoenix let out a cry before diving into Jared’s forehead. A phoenix mark manifested on the man’s forehead. But in the next heartbeat, it disappeared into thin air.

Even after the phoenix had vanished, the giant lion remained cowering on the ground, the look in its eyes as docile as a house cat. Upon seeing that the giant lion no longer dared to devour Jared, Ronan drew his sword to eliminate Jared himself.

But the moment he stepped forward, the giant lion that was initially lying motionless on the ground lunged at him with murder radiating from its eyes.

At that, Ronan hurriedly flipped backward and dodged. Alas, it refused to let him go, aggressively attacking him repeatedly. Thus, the giant lion went up against Ronan while the Dragonslayer Sword battled Grant. Jared, on the other hand, remained unconscious on the ground, utterly motionless.

Roar! Following a great roar from the giant lion, Ronan could no longer hold out. His remaining arm was bitten by the demon beast and ripped right off.

“Ahh!” The excruciating pain that inundated him forced an ear-splitting wail of agony out of his mouth. Hearing the cry of pain, Grant was inexorably distracted for a moment. In that split second of inattention, his head was severed by the Dragonslayer Sword.

At the same time, the giant lion sunk its teeth into Ronan’s head and bit it off, swallowing it whole. With the duo dead, Jared was safe for the time being.

The Dragonslayer Sword returned to his body. Meanwhile, the giant lion licked the man before picking him up with its teeth and leaving at lightning speed. Shortly after it had left with Jared, a group of people rushed over, having heard the deafening roar earlier.


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