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A Cue for Love Chapter 958

Chapter 958 Abandoned

“Your wound had ruptured once and even led to a high-grade fever. You should be resting in bed. I forbid you from getting down,” Samuel replied coldly.

“Who are you to lecture me, Xander?” Natalie tried to push his arm away. “Even if you are my savior, I don’t think you’re allowed to interfere in my life to this extent?”

Who am I to lecture you?

Instinctively, he wanted to tell her he was her man, but he managed to stop himself from uttering those words at the last minute.

“Yes. I do not have the right to lecture you. However, if I haven’t been helping you all these times, do you really think you have more than one life to spare? Having a clear goal and being decisive are certainly the right things to do, but do you need to risk your life in the process?” Samuel questioned her adamantly.

Unexpectedly, Natalie chuckled upon hearing his speech.

“You might be able to stop me once or twice, but will you be able to stop me for the rest of my life? I was also under the assumption I could hide under that person’s protection. No matter how hard I pushed myself to the extent of being injured, he would be there to tend to my wounds and help me deal with all the other things beyond my capabilities. I believed I could live my whole life in that manner. Still, in the end, he abandoned me just like that, didn’t he? Since I cannot hide under someone else’s protection, I choose to become another’s guardian. Even if I end up tattered and broken, this is still my decision to make and my freedom of choice.”

An enchanting smile spread across Natalie’s face as she spoke. However, the smile was insincere.

With the layer of disguise on Samuel’s face, she failed to see his expression under the mask.

Suddenly, clarity washed over her. She felt she had done something unnecessary.

Why did I blurt out all those heartfelt words to him? What purpose can my confession serve other than making myself seem lonely and weak?

“Ha.” Natalie stroked her long hair and said in a self-deprecating tone, “My brain must be malfunctioning after the fever. Why am I telling you all these things?”

“I’m sorry.”

Natalie was shocked to her core after listening to what Samuel said.

His apology was seemingly laced with complicated emotions. Every word was like a heavy blow to her heart.

Nonetheless, she merely assumed he was apologizing for halting her, and she did not mull further on that matter.

“Move aside. I want to see Yvette.”

This time, Samuel did not stop her. Instead, he gazed at her leaving figure from behind as she walked out of the ward.

He took off his silver mask, revealing his breathtakingly handsome face. Sorrow and helplessness filled his narrow eyes. As he grasped the mask, the veins on his arm bulged.

If possible, how could I be willing to abandon her?

Jesper was stumped when he entered the room and saw Samuel’s downcast demeanor. He didn’t know what to say, but he felt that Samuel, who always appeared formidable and invincible, was rendered humble and meek whenever he was around Natalie. Yet, Samuel continued caring for her without asking or expecting anything in return.

Jesper had only felt admiration toward Samuel all those while. However, lately, his heart began to ache for Samuel as well.

Even the gods have feelings, not to mention a human with flesh and blood.

After Natalie left the ward, she reflected on what she said to Xander while walking in the corridor and realized she had gone a little overboard.

Nonetheless, if she did not clarify things with Xander, she was afraid of creating more misunderstandings in the future.

Although she had no clue about the plan “Xander” was harboring, Samuel was still the only person in her heart.

She was stubborn in that sense and would remain so for the rest of her life.

Then, she shook her head to clear out those distractions that were affecting her normal thought process and pulled herself back to reality as she stood near the VIP ward zone where Yvette was.

A group of burly bodyguards was stationed at the VIP zone to prevent some overexcited fans from barging in.

A voice sounded from behind Natalie just as she ruminated for a way to get past the security.

“Ms. Nichols, are you planning to visit Yvette?”

She turned around and saw Jesper, Xander’s subordinate.

“Why are you here, Jesper?”

“This is the phone Mr. York instructed for me to return to you.” He took out the device from his pocket and handed it to Natalie. Then, he paused briefly before continuing, “Mr. York also suspected you’ll face trouble with the bodyguards, so he told me to escort you to meet with Yvette.”

“Mr. York…” Natalie was slightly taken aback by the man’s dedication.

“Mrs. Nichols, you’re truly misunderstood Mr. York,” explained Jesper, who knew the whole story.


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