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A Cue for Love Chapter 896

Chapter 896 Cooperation Part Two

Anna had confidence in herself. However, after hearing Natalie’s evaluation of herself, she smiled.

“Thank you, thank you,” Anna murmured, “If it weren’t for you, there wouldn’t be a new Anna, a new Muse. You also made me understand that designing isn’t just about talent. More importantly, you made me realize that designing is the true love of my life!”

Natalie saw the flames of hope rekindling in Anna’s eyes and was happy about her transformation.

The two continued to discuss the design of ‘Rebirth’ in detail.

“Have you thought of the gemstones to use on the pendant of ‘Rebirth’?”

“Yes.” Anna nodded with a hint of embarrassment on her face. “I want to use the thunderstone specially available in the west for the pendant. “I won’t be using large thunderstones. It’s mainly a mosaic of them. “Although the thunderstone isn’t a rare mineral, the mining rights of the thunderstone are owned by Amos from the Stone family.

“If he disagrees, we won’t be able to use even the tiniest fragments of thunderstone. I have also been thinking of alternative gemstones that can replace the thunderstone for the past two days.”

Natalie was able to understand the reason behind Anna to prefer the thunderstone.

Firstly, the thunderstone was more cost-effective than other gemstones. Secondly, thunderstones had a higher luminosity than other gemstones, and they would have a more rejuvenating lucidity of Rebirth when made into an actual product.

The reason why Anna had difficulty choosing an alternative was because of these two advantages of the thunderstone. It was rare for any other gemstone to have both benefits simultaneously.

After pondering for a moment, Natalie said, “Your design is perfect. I will need you to follow up with the jewelry craftsman during production. As for the gemstone, I will find a way. The Stone family holds one-third of Loang’s mining rights. Not just for the ‘Rebirth’ series, for Dream Jewelry to grow in the future, it only makes sense to cooperate with them.”

“But, the Stone family—” Anna suddenly stopped.

“You mean to say that Amos is the fiancé of the daughter of Farrington Jewelry?”

“Well, I believe you will use the name Muse in your early advertising,” Anna bit her lip and said, “Farrington Jewelry also came to me and offered me the position as their chief designer two years ago, but I rejected it. The person who looked for me was the daughter of Farrington Jewelry’s owner, Amos’s fiancée, Olivia Jones.”

After hearing Anna out, Natalie seemed to have understood her concerns.

She thought she would only have to worry about Amos. However, Anna had some history with Amos and his fiancée, Olivia.

“I see.” Natalie reassured anna and said, “This is the design of your first comeback. You may focus on refining the details and leave the rest to me.”


After sending Anna off, Natalie massaged her temple.

She had plans to have business relations with the Stone family, but Anna’s designs made it so that she had to negotiate the cooperation with the Stone family sooner.

Natalie picked up the phone on her desk and called Yandel.

“Yandel, I want you to make an appointment with someone for me. I want to cooperate with him in the future.”

“Sure thing. Who will it be?”

“Amos Stone.”

“Him?” Yandel was slightly taken aback.

“What’s wrong?” Natalie asked. “Do you know each other?”


Hearing Yandel’s muffled response, Natalie guessed that Yandel and Amos knew each other, and it might not be a good idea for Yandel to propose the cooperation.

“Just make the appointment for me. I’ll talk to him about the cooperation myself.”


At first, Natalie thought that the most challenging part of this cooperation would come during her meeting with Amos. She didn’t expect it to be so challenging for her even to meet Amos.

After communicating for three days, there was still no response from Amos.

Natalie couldn’t wait any longer.

“It’s not ideal for us to keep waiting for Amos like this,” Natalie said, “Yandel, we must take the initiative. Send someone to investigate Amos’s whereabouts. I must meet him no matter what.”


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