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A Cue for Love Chapter 893

Chapter 893 Take Mommy Away Part Two

Franklin was the first to lose his patience when they saw a stranger hugging Natalie.

He walked toward Jerome and tugged at his sleeve. “Hey! How long do you intend to keep hugging her?”

Hearing the unwelcoming voice coming from the side of his legs, Jerome let go of Natalie and switched his gaze to the delicate-looking little boy.

Franklin frowned like a cub and warned him.

“Natalie, who is he?” Jerome asked.

Natalie looked back and forth at Jerome and then at Franklin and Sophia. Then, she quickly returned to her senses and said, “Jerome, this is your first time seeing Franklin and Sophia. Do you remember that I once told you about the twins that were taken away by Yara? They survived, and they’re right here.”

“Mommy, who is he?” It was Franklin’s turn to ask.

“His name is Jerome Sutton. We grew up together when we were young. You may call him Mr. Sutton like Xavian and Clayton,” Natalie patiently explained to Franklin, Sophia, and Yumi.

Franklin, Sophia, and Yumi glanced at each other, then looked at Xavian and Clayton, who was just walking over to greet Jerome. “Hello, Mr. Sutton.”

Franklin, Sophia, and Yumi followed suit and said, “Hello, Mr. Sutton.”

Jerome didn’t feel any displeasure when Xavian approached him. On the contrary, he bent toward the three and chuckled. “You’re all Natalie’s children. I will protect you like how I protect Xavian and Clayton!”

There wasn’t the slightest hypocrisy nor the slightest reluctance in his smile. It was authentic.

Franklin, Sophia, and Yumi were mesmerized by his smile. Their tightly clenched fist gradually relaxed.

Emma saw the entire scene. When she opened the door, she thought the children’s father had returned. She didn’t expect him to be just Natalie’s friend. However, at Emma’s age, she could discern that the man in military uniform had feelings for Natalie.

She thought it was better for her to talk less and do more and wanted to prepare some tea and refreshments. “Sir, do you take tea or coffee?”

“It’s fine. Natalie should be going to work at this time. I’ll give her a ride,” Jerome turned to Natalie and asked, “Am I right?”


“I won’t bother you at work. I’ll just chat with you on the way,” Jerome smiled and said.

“Okay!” Natalie nodded and agreed as she had no reason to refuse.

After saying goodbye to the five children, Natalie and Jerome left the mansion together.

After they left, the five children gathered around and held a meeting.

“Xavian, Clayton, do you know this man?” Franklin asked.

“Yes. He’s Mommy’s childhood friend. He treats Mommy and us well,” Clayton bit his lip and said truthfully, “When we thought our real father was a scumbag, we considered him a candidate to be our stepfather.”

Xavian nodded as well. “I used his photo to edit the picture yesterday.”

“So will he be just a good friend of Mommy like Yandel and Mr. Trevor?” Franklin asked uncertainly, “If they’re just good friends, we don’t need to worry too much.”

“Well, Mr. Sutton is different from Yandel and Mr. Trevor…” Clayton said, “Mommy may regard him as a younger brother, but he might see Mommy as his girlfriend. You saw how he hugged Mommy, right? She was shocked. But Mr. Sutton hugged her so gently like a sweetheart!”

At that time, all five of them witness the same thing.

The four of them also understood what Clayton had said.


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