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A Cue for Love Chapter 848

Chapter 848 Leave Him Be

“Sam?” Steven’s eyes went wide in disbelief when he saw Samuel stepping out from behind Luna.

His firm chest and abdominal muscles could be seen as he slowly buttoned up the shirt that was loosely draped over his shoulders.

What the… Why are these two… I mean, it’s fine for Sam to come see Luna, but why would he be shirtless in her house? Also, Luna got really nervous when I simply wanted to come inside for a bit. Was she afraid of me seeing something I shouldn’t?

With that in mind, Steven questioned him anxiously, “Sam, what are you doing here?”

“I have my reasons for coming over to see her. Just because you’re my brother doesn’t mean I have to report everything to you, you know?” Samuel replied with an icy-cold expression.

Steven shifted his gaze between them as he protested, “But you’re shirtless in her house, Sam! Don’t you think you should at least explain yourself? This could really give others the wrong idea!”

He was determined to have Samuel provide him a satisfactory explanation no matter what.

Unsure of what to say, Luna got so nervous that her knuckles turned white on the spot.

Samuel narrowed his eyes and said, “Both Luna and I are adults. We’re capable of taking responsibility for our actions, so there’s no need to explain anything.”

Steven felt like his heart was being smashed to pieces by a sledgehammer as he stared at Samuel.

“What if it wasn’t me who showed up today? What if it was Natalie instead? Would you have said the same thing to her?” he asked with a sad look on his face.

There was a hint of darkness in Samuel’s eyes when he heard that, but it was gone in an instant.

“Yes, I would’ve told her the exact same thing,” he replied coldly.

Steven stepped forward and grabbed him by the collar as he shouted, “What the heck has gotten into you, Sam? I thought you liked Natalie! How could you do this to her?”

“Who I like is none of your business. What, are you going to hit me now?” Samuel replied while brushing Steven’s hands off.


Steven glared at him furiously with reddened eyes as he continued, “I’ve always been proud to have you as my brother, Sam. This is the first time I’ve been so disappointed in you!”

“Okay,” Samuel mumbled nonchalantly without a care in the world.

Steven was so upset that he turned around and left without saying anything further.

Samuel waited until he had closed the door behind him before turning toward Luna, who still had hesitation written all over her face. “Luna, continue the treatment.”

“But… Mr. Steven seems to have gotten the wrong idea about our relationship…” Luna protested with her eyes red.

I didn’t get to say much earlier, but I clearly noticed the look of pain and defeat on Steven’s face. I came to Dellmoor all by myself, so Steven was the only person keeping me company this whole time. On top of that, I can tell that he has feelings for me. I bet he must think I’m a promiscuous woman now that he has caught me and Samuel in such an intimate situation, huh?

Samuel took his shirt back off as he said, “Leave him be. I told you, I need to keep my poisoning a secret. No one else can find out about this. You know my condition best. If I don’t find a way to suppress the poison, I’ll only have about six months left before I need to be put on life support. If I can find a way to cure myself of this poisoning, then I will compensate them for the damage I’ve done. If not, then… Maybe leaving them like this isn’t so bad after all.”

Being his personal doctor, Luna was able to understand the internal struggle he had to go through when making this decision.

“What about Ms. Nichols? What do you plan on doing about her?” she asked curiously.

Samuel’s eyes watered up slightly as he replied with a wry smile, “If six months is all I have left, then I will let her go. Someday, I won’t even have control over my bladder and bowels, and I would rather die than let her see me in that state.”


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