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A Cue for Love Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061 Most Valued Guest

Sebastian Zeller frowned in confusion when he heard that. Award ceremony? Prince Jonathan didn’t tell me anything about Ms. Nichols receiving an award, though. He only asked me to offer her the best hospitality possible…

“Ms. Nichols, you’re a valued guest Prince Jonathan invited. There are no special rules that you need to follow. No one will be able to harm you in any way as long as you don’t disrespect him,” Sebastian replied with a smile.

Natalie nodded in response. Sebastian then stepped out of the lounge, leaving Natalie inside all by herself. This whole journey seems kind of different from what I expected. I feel there’s some kind of conspiracy or something behind all this, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Oh, well… I suppose I can only go with the flow and see what happens…

Meanwhile, in the largest lounge within the palace, Bastien bowed at Frieda Rory and addressed her respectfully, “Mother.”

“Bastien, you will be turning twenty-eight today. It’s about time you get married and have kids. That way, your father will prioritize you and entrust you with more important responsibilities,” Frieda said with a relieved smile when she saw how handsome and elegant her son looked.

Bastien nodded. “I understand, Mother.” Frieda let out a chuckle. “Very well, then. Come on, let’s go greet our guests at the entrance.”

Although she didn’t have many children like the king’s other wives, her son excelled in every aspect and had great potential in competing for the throne.

“Yes, Mother.” Following proper etiquette and customs, Bastien walked behind Frieda as the two made their way to the entrance of the banquet hall. Geert arrived at the palace with Helma and Heidi shortly after.

Geert and Frieda had long since agreed to have Helma marry Bastien. Frieda was especially happy that Helma had royal blood running through her veins.

On top of that, Helma also came from a wealthy family, spoke many languages, and was familiar with the customs of the royal family. She believed Helma would make a great wife for her son as she could help him with everything and uphold the royal family’s image if the two visited other countries.

Geert and his two daughters bowed respectfully to Frieda and Bastien upon meeting them.

As Bastien’s gaze fell upon the two sisters, he realized it was his first time meeting Heidi since she had only joined the family not long ago.

Because Helma had been attending lots of royal banquets with Geert since she was little, Bastien knew her all too well.

There wasn’t a single trace of emotion in Bastien’s eyes when he looked at Helma.

Helma, on the other hand, was staring at Bastien with an incredibly affectionate look in her eyes.

Frieda waved at Helma and motioned at her to come closer.

Helma walked up to her and addressed her sweetly, “Greetings, Lady Frieda.”

Frieda held Helma’s hands as she said with a smile, “You’ll be changing that form of address soon, Helma.”

Helma had a shy look on her face when she heard that.

Geert was grinning from ear to ear as he stood behind them.

Bastien simply looked straight ahead and ignored his mother’s statement completely.

Heidi couldn’t help but feel jealous and indignant as she watched from the side. Mother has sacrificed so much for Father’s sake, but it was all in vain. Lady Frieda and Prince Jonathan have never paid any attention to me whatsoever.

With the greetings out of the way, Geert and his daughters made their way into the banquet hall.

Frieda shot Bastien a glare and asked in displeasure, “Bastien, Helma will be your fiancée after tonight. Why are you still being so cold to her?”

Bastien turned to look at her as he replied calmly, “I won’t treat my fiancée coldly, but Helma isn’t my fiancée just yet. Please stop asking me to treat her like one, Mother.”

Frieda stared at her son from the side. She felt there was something off about his words but couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

“Your father will be attending your birthday party with two of his wives tonight. Remember to invite Helma to the opening dance later. Your father will take care of your engagement when the time comes.”


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