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A Cue for Love Chapter 1013

Chapter 1013 Not Disappear For Long Again

Yandel felt extremely awkward.

He couldn’t just go in, but it didn’t seem right for him to just leave, either.

After Natalie pulled herself away from Samuel, she glanced at Yandel. “How long are you going to stare at us? This is my lunch break, and we don’t discuss work during breaks. Close the door, turn around, and leave.”

Yandel was stunned for a second before he returned to his senses, closed the office door silently, and ran away.

With him gone, only Samuel and Natalie were left in the spacious office.

“Shall we continue?” Samuel smiled lovingly.

“Mhm.” She bit her lip and nodded obediently.

At that moment, it was his turn to take the initiative.

He carried her and placed her on the office table before kissing her deeply.

When night fell, Samuel and Natalie returned home together.

It was the first time Emma saw Samuel, and she was totally enamored by his beauty. Despite her efforts, she couldn’t squeeze out a word from her mouth for a long time.

Although she had seen a handsome man like Jerome before, she never thought she would meet a man even more handsome than him. Wow. Ms. Nichols and her children are good-looking enough. I didn’t expect her friends to be incredibly attractive, too!

While Emma remained stunned, the children swarmed toward Samuel when they saw him.

“You’re back, Daddy!”

“I miss you so much, Daddy!”

“What are you so busy with, Daddy? Why did you only show up now?”

Despite the kids’ high emotional quotient and tendencies to act like mini-adults, they were still just children. They hadn’t seen Samuel for a long while. They only had two video calls prior to their current meeting, which was why they were very excited to be able to hug their father again.

The two girls, Sophia and Yumi, were getting especially emotional. Tears were welling in their eyes.

Samuel missed the children as much as they missed him.

Despite that, he still maintained a composed façade and only allowed his daughters to be physically affectionate with him. The boys didn’t even get a chance to hug him.

“I really am back this time,” he said seriously.

“Really?” Sophia received special treatment from her dad as she sat on his thighs. “You’re not going to disappear for a long time because you’re busy with work like before, right, Daddy?”

Samuel hesitated to reply to that question.

Children’s hearts were the purest, especially his daughter’s.

While he loved all his children, he still favored his daughters more. He lied to Franklin before, but he never lied to Sophia.

Sophia just asked whatever question was on her mind, but the answer to that question was too grave. It was difficult for him to reply to her truthfully. How could he tell her that he might only have a few months left to live? The truth was too cruel.

“Why aren’t you saying anything, Daddy?” Confusion was reflected in Sophia’s big, watery eyes.

The other four were equally confounded by his hesitation to reply and started feeling anxious. They wondered if there was a difficult-to-solve issue going on between their parents.

At that moment, Natalie blinked and smiled. “He won’t.”

She was worried an answer like that still wouldn’t relieve her children’s worries, so she continued, “Mommy really loves Daddy. I won’t let him disappear from our lives for a long, long time again!”

She tightened her grip when she said that.

While her red, tender lips formed a charming smile, there was a tinge of ruthlessness and determination in her tone when she said that. There’s no way I’ll let my man go that easily.

When Samuel heard that, a gleam twirled around in his eyes. He wasn’t sure how to describe that complicated feeling in his heart, but he knew she was serious. While her serious demeanor attracted her, it did make his heart clench.

He was reluctant to leave her and his family, too.

With a smile, he assured, “Don’t worry. I’ll do my best to not disappear for a long time, too!”


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