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A Cue for Love Chapter 1006

Chapter 1006 No Way

“Is that so? Where’s the whip, then?” Natalie asked as she spread her palm, a cheeky smile on her face.

Justin froze on the spot.

When he saw Samuel walking down the stairs, his first thought was to get the latter to put in a good word for him. After much consideration, however, he realized that’d be futile. Urgh! It doesn’t take a genius to guess whose side Samuel would take if he had to choose between his wife and friends.

Left without a choice, Justin swallowed his pride and pleaded, “Natalie, I know I’ve failed you as a friend. Regardless of the reason for lying to you, I still shouldn’t have done it. I owe you one, and I promise to repay you in the future.”

Since he was so candid about it, Natalie happily obliged with a nod. “Okay. I’ll take your word for it.”

Since leaving Dellmoor and reuniting again in Yaleview, everyone’s moods had visibly changed.

Samuel, Justin, and Natalie had just taken their seats in the dining room when Natalie realized Jesper and Billy were still standing around.

“Jesper, Billy, don’t just stand there. Join us for breakfast. You guys bought so much food that I doubt the three of us would be able to finish it.”

Despite that, the two men remained in their places, not wanting to overstep the line.

Natalie immediately glanced at Samuel, who was sipping his coffee.

Thankfully, it didn’t take long before he got the hint and broke into a smile. “Mrs. Bowers said to join us for breakfast. Did you not hear that?”

Upon hearing that, Jesper and Billy walked toward the dining table and took their seats.

Samuel narrowed his eyes and held Natalie’s hand, interlocking their fingers as he did. “Natalie is now my wife, so that means she’s the lady of the house. From today onward, her orders are as good as mine, and you’re to always listen to her.”

“Yes, Mr. Bowers!” Billy and Jesper replied without hesitation.

They had been working under Samuel for so long that they knew how much he loved Natalie. Even without his orders, they’d still be prepared to go to the ends of the world for her.

Justin took a few bites of a sandwich before announcing he was full.

Oh, boy. I knew I couldn’t expect anything fancy when I came here for breakfast, but their display of affection completely spoiled my appetite.

After breakfast, Natalie wanted to make a trip to the office so she could finish up some pending work for Dream.

Samuel drove her there, and when they arrived, he followed her into the office without any qualms.

Yandel and Lia wanted to bring Natalie up to speed on the latest updates at work but were shocked when they saw Samuel with her.

Samuel Bowers? Why does that unfaithful sc*mbag still have the cheek to cling to Natalie? Who cares if he’s the head of the Bowers family or the wealthiest man in the country? We’ll fight him if that’s what it takes! He can hurt us, but there’s no way we’ll let him lay a finger on our boss! No f*cking way!

Lia furrowed her brows at the sight of Samuel and hastily stood in front of Natalie.

As for Yandel, he placed one hand on his hips and pointed a finger angrily at Samuel. “Back off! Back off!”

Seeing how the two of them were so overly protective of Natalie, Samuel’s gaze instantly darkened.

D*mn it. Explaining the situation to these two is going to be a challenge.

Natalie, however, couldn’t help but chuckle as she stared at the backs of Yandel and Lia. Oh, dear. What should I do now? I can’t believe they’d try something like this. They’re way too adorable!

By then, Yandel and Lia had heard the laughter and slowly shifted their gaze from Samuel to Natalie.

“Boss, why are you laughing? We’re protecting you!” Yandel exclaimed before turning to glare at Samuel. “Samuel Bowers, I respected you in the past because I believed you were true to Boss. Now that we know you’ve betrayed her, there’s no longer a need to be nice to you!”


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