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A Beauty with Multiple Masks Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116 Planning To Run

In Horington, Vinson was preparing to return to Jadeborough when Rayson reported the latest news of Larson Group to him.

“Trevor has been desperately trying to turn the tide by selling a variety of building materials at a low price, but there’s only a handful of recently developed real estate in Horington, not to mention that they’re different from our projects. They don’t need many materials, and their area is smaller in comparison. I thought I needed to get the word out that anyone who buys his materials would be an enemy of Nightshire Group. I haven’t even made my move yet, and the real estate developers had all rejected his offer.”

“Oh? It’s a good deal for them to buy building materials at a low price. Why did they reject it?”

“Exactly.” Rayson nodded. Smiling, he asked, “Care to make a guess?”

Vinson cast a glance at him, and the latter immediately cut to the chase. “Trevor’s reputation in the industry has always been terrible. The materials he sells are expensive yet poor in quality. That’s why a bridge they built collapsed in less than a year. With Greene Corporation declaring bankruptcy and shutting down permanently, other companies aren’t coerced to buy Trevor’s materials. Thus, they still aren’t willing to acquire his building materials despite the low price. The losses will be even greater if an incident like that bridge happens.”

Nodding in agreement, Vinson replied, “Well, he dug his own grave. I want someone to watch his every movement. His company is bankrupt now, so he must be buried in debt. The Specialized Forces should understand my intention when they receive the vase. They will soon gather evidence, arrest him, and put him in Specialized Forces Prison.”

“Right! I already have someone keeping an eye on him. I guarantee that he won’t be able to escape from your clutches.”

Vinson nodded as he walked toward the airport’s VIP lounge.

Heavy rain fell upon Horington once again, delaying flights hour after hour. Five hours later, the plane finally took off.

When it touched down, Vinson caught a glimpse of a familiar figure at the arrival concourse.

“Donovan?” he muttered, narrowing his eyes.

Shouldn’t he be preparing his students for the early admission exams at Maxwell University at this time? Why is he here at Chanaea’s airport?


Rayson stepped forward instantly. “Yes, Mr. Nightshire?”

Vinson lifted his chin in Donovan’s direction. “Assign someone to follow him and see what he’s up to.”

“Understood!” Rayson called a few bodyguards who had been protecting Vinson in the dark and had them follow Donovan.

Simultaneously, he received a call from someone in Horington.

“Mr. Nightshire!” Rayson reported to Vinson urgently, “I just received an update from Horington. Trevor plans to head overseas by boarding an international cruise ship. He’s currently heading to the pier.”

Vinson had expected Trevor to be unwilling to shoulder the mountain of debt and would try to leave the country secretly.

Thus, he was unfazed as he ordered, “Stop him.”

As he spoke, he was already calling the deputy captain of the Specialized Forces. “Head out to arrest Trevor Larson now.”

“Roger!” The deputy captain added, “We’ve just gathered all the evidence for his misdeeds. We’re heading out now.”

Vinson muttered an acknowledgment before ending the call.

The look in his eyes darkened as he thought, Planning to run? Not on my watch.

Meanwhile, in Horington, Trevor quickly sold off all his sellable properties and discreetly sold his house to a former business partner before taking a cab to the pier.


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