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A Beast For A Beauty Chapter 19


Every day, I find myself walking the mall looking for these two boys and my daughter. I am going crazy. Someone has to know something.

“Mom, they are not here; this is a waste of time. Let’s go back home and see if Logan can run their faces, OK? “

“Looking for your sister and her kidnappers is not a waste of time, Cole. How can you say looking for your sister is a waste of time?”

“That is not how I meant it, Mom.”

“Fine, let’s go see what they found.”

I feel so useless and helpless. My baby girl is out there scared somewhere alone with God knows who and what they are doing to her. I broke down crying. God, please keep my baby safe.

“ It is OK, Mom, we will find her, we will.” Cole pulls me into a hug.

“ Have you found out anything more?” I asked, walking into my brother’s office.

“ We know at least 5 other girls in the last 2 months have gone missing, and the same boys are seen with the girls in each video,”

“ You should be very proud of our son Logan. Dear, he is smart and good at this. “

“I am always proud of my children,”

I kissed Logan on the head.

“I sent an image of their faces to each pack around here asking if anyone knows who they are and that they only wanted for questioning,” says Logan.

“ Good job son, let’s hope someone knows them.” Says Mav

“ Two of the girls missing came from the Dark Shadow Pack sweetheart, “ my father says to me.

I looked up at him.

“ You mean to tell me, these two assholes had the guts to steal from the Beast?”

“Not only that, Payton, but his 19-year-old daughter is one of them.” says my father.

“ I did not know he had a daughter! He did not have one when I was there.”

“ She is his stepdaughter. The she-wolf he has been with for the last 13 years is her mother. He just accepted her, and she took his last name for rank.”

“And those boys took her? Well, they sure sealed their death with him and us. Let’s see who gets to them first.”

It better be me!

James Black

“This is James Black. How can I help you?”

“ Ah James, my old friend, it is Alpha Walter’s, How are things?”

“Not too well these days, old friend, my granddaughter is missing. “

“ You don’t say! That’s a surprise.” “ Mind you, we have had a few missing from my pack as well.”

“Wow, these boys sure get around.” “ Say well, I have you on the phone. Did you happen to look at the photos we faxed over?”

“ I did, yes. What do you want with these two boys, James?”

“We believe they are the ones who took Melody and the others”

“ I am shocked you do not recognize the one young lad, yourself, James. We have done business with his father’s pack for years.”

“ We have?” “ Are you sure?” “ I do not… oh god, I recognize him now.” Thanks, Alpha Walter. I will be in touch.”

How did I not see this before? That no-good son of a b***h.

Mind link…

“Everyone meet me in the office NOW!”

By the time I got to the office, everyone was waiting for me.

“What is going on, Daddy? Did you find Melody?” asked Payton.

“No, not yet, but I have a lead.”


It is 10 pm. Everyone is sleeping. I never thought I would be doing this, but here I am, sneaking off to go see the Beast. I swore I would never see this animal again, but it looks like I have no choice.

“Mom, where are you going this late?” asks Cole.

“ Oh Cole, you scared me. I thought you were asleep.”

“I have not slept well since Melody was taken. She is my twin sister, Mom. I can feel her fear.”

I hugged Cole,

“I know my baby, I know. We will find her, I promise.”

“So where are you going, Mom?”

“ I am going to the Beast Cole.”

“What, after everything he has done to you, are you crazy?”

“We need help, Cole; he may be our only hope if he is willing to help me.”

“And if he will not help us?”

“ Then we will be no better off than we are now, Cole, but I have to try.”

“ I am coming with you then.”

“ No, Cole, I do not want you anywhere near him.”

“ I said I am. Going with you, “

“Fine, I do not have time to argue with you, let’s go.”

“Just promise to stay in the car. I do not want him to see you.”

“why? Why, what does it matter if he does?” asks Cole.

I had told my kids about the Beast and how he was my mate and how he abused and hurt me. I just have not told them he is their real father, nor does the Beast himself know.

“I have my reasons. Just promise me you will stay in the car outside.”

“ fine, I promise.”

When we got to his territory early in the morning, we decided to hit a restaurant for breakfast first. Plus, I needed a little more time before I came face to face with the Beast again after 16 years.

I pulled up to the gatehouse and started to panic a bit. Cole reaches over and takes my hand,

“Breath mom, you can do this. Remember, the reason we are here is for Melody.”

“ Your right, Cole, I have to do this for your sister.”

“ State your name and your business here?” The guard says.

“Hello Bart, it has been a long time” I said.

“ Oh wow, Payton, it is good to see you; you have got even more beautiful,”

“Thanks, Bart. Umm, can you not announce me please? I promise I am not here for any trouble.”

“ You trouble, please, you were the best thing to ever happen to this pack. Almost everyone is still upset with the Alpha for what he did to you.”

I smiled at Bart.

“ Thank you. I had hoped things would turn out better, but.. Well, anyways, may we continue through?”

“ How about this one, Payton?” he asks, looking at Cole.

“Bart, this is my son Cole. he is not here for trouble either, just to support me.”

“ he… he looks…

“ No, Bart, no, so can we go through ?”

“ Oh yes. Yes, you can, and I will not announce who you are, just someone to see him.”

“Thanks, Bart.”

We drove through and headed up towards the packhouse.

“ What was he saying about me looking like? I look like what, Mom?”

“ Your father, Cole, your dad is from this pack, remember, so he knows him.”

“ Oh yes, that’s right.”

Phew, Bart almost spilled the cat out of the bag. That is why Greyson can not see Cole.

As I stop the car in front of the packhouse, I see Austin come out to meet the car.

“ Welcome to the Dark Shadow Pack. How can we help?

“ Hello, Austin,” I say

“ Payton? Oh my god Payton “

Austin picks me up in a tight hug, spinning me around. When he puts me down, he kisses my cheek.

“ God Payton, you are more beautiful than ever. What are you doing here?”

“ I need to speak to Alpha Brooks, but please do not announce me yet. I can not have him turning me away, not yet anyway.”

“ After what he did to you, did you come back for him?”

“ No, no, no, I just need his help, Austin. I would never have come here if I wasn’t desperate.”

“You are desperate? My God Payton, what has happened that you need the Beasts’ help?”

“ Take me to him, and you will find out Austin.”

“ Fine, fine, have your passenger follow us.”

“ No, I do not want Alpha Brooks near him; he has to wait in the car. “

“ Sorry, Payton, but he has to come. The Alpha doesn’t allow people to stay out here unattended. Last time, we got attacked.”

“ He is no threat; you have my word.”

“Look, have him follow us. He can wait in the hall then, OK?”

“ Fine, but I do not want him near The Alpha.”

“that is fine,”

I motioned for Cole to come out.

“Cole, this is Austin, Austin Cole.”

Austin stares at Cole. His eyes go wide, and he looks at me.

“Cole is mine, and Maverick’s son Austin, so your nephew,” I said.

“ My parents told me about the kids, but the Alpha never let me come to meet them. I think he thought I would be like my brother and not return.”

“ shall we ?” I said

“ Yes, this way.”

He takes one last look at Cole and heads to the house. I think Austin knows something by the way he is looking at Cole.


Here goes nothing


Austin opens the door a little and steps inside, holding the door.

“Stay here” I whispered to Cole.

“Alpha, you have a visitor,” says Austin.

“ I heard there was someone here, but no one is saying who it is, so let them in.”

Austin opens the door a little more, and I step in. The Beast has his head looking down at the papers on his desk.

“Hello Alpha Brooks”

I saw him freeze and take a big sniff, his eyes closed, and then his head jerked up to me. Our eyes meet.

“Payton” he says in shock,

“Yes, Alpha, it has been a long time.”

His face seemed to bring on a stern look.

“What are you doing on my territory, Payton?”

Yep, this is not going to go well.

“ I need your help”

“ My help, you say?”

“ Well, tell me then, Payton, why would I help you?” “ You rejected me; you ran away. You let my cousin mark you breaking our bond.”

“ I know what I did, Alpha, but perhaps you should remember why I did it, and what you did to me that drove me away.”

“I remember what I did. Payton, believe me, I hate myself for it. I have for 16 years and always will. I may be the Beast Payton, but even I regret what I did to you. But I never rejected you.” He says

“Yes you did; you never wanted me. You cheated on me and told me every chance you had I was not wanted. That is still a rejection, Alpha.”


“ This was a mistake. I should not have come here.”I said.

“ Why did you come here?”

“ I was desperate, and I think you may be the only person who can help me.”

Just then, the door opened, and a blonde lady walked in.

“ Love, who is the young boy in the hall and this woman?” she asks.

“ There is a boy in the hall?” Alpha Brooks asks

“Do not worry about him. He is with me; he means no harm.”

“Why did he not come in with you then if he meant no harm?”

“ Please, Alpha, forget he is out there, please.”

“ Brooks, you never said who she was.” The Blonde says



The blonde lady storms out of the room, slamming the door.

“ Sorry “Alpha I did not come here to make trouble for you and your wife. “

“ Do not worry about her Payton sit,” he points to the chair. I take a seat.

“ Look, I know two girls from your pack are missing along with your stepdaughter,” I told him.

He sighs, “ Yes, I have been working non-stop trying to find leads on their whereabouts.” he says.

“ I have that lead, Greyson; that is why I am here.”

“You said you needed my help, but if you have the lead on where my daughter is, then is it not me, then that needs your help, Payton?” he asks.

“ No, well. Perhaps we can help each other.”

“ Go on.”

“ My daughter was also taken,” I say

A shocked Alpha looks at me.

“ You, you have a daughter?”

“ Yes, Greyson, I have a daughter and two sons.”

Again, he looked shocked, his eyes wide.


“no?” I asked

“ That is right, NO, I will not help you. Now leave, ” he said.

“Wait please no, you have to listen to me and help me, please, Greyson.”


The door flew open, and Cole stormed in.

“DO NOT EVER YELL AT MY MOTHER AGAIN. DO YOU HEAR ME?” A furious, Cole yells at him.


I grabbed onto Cole and moved him behind me.

“ Calm down; it is fine; he does not want to help us. Let’s just go” I said.

“ Sorry, we bothered you. Alpha, we will go now. “

I noticed Alpha Brooks was wide-eyed, staring at Cole. He had this look in his eyes. I pray he will not figure it out. Cole is a spitting image of Greyson.

“Wait,” said Greyson

“What is your name, boy?” He asked Cole.

“Do not worry about his name, Greyson; we are leaving” I said.

“I asked the boy, not you, Payton.” “ Now, what is your name?”

“ My name is Cole. Cole Mathews”

Greyson’s head snapped at me.


“ Yes, this is Maverick and my son.”

“ And your daughter?”

“ Melody, my twin sister, has been kidnapped,” Cole said.

“Your… your twin?”

“ Yes,” Cole said.

“ Cole, go back into the hall, please,” I asked him.

“ NO” said Greyson “ He stays.”

“ How old are you and your twin son?”

“ 16 sir”

Again Greyson’s head snapped at mine. God, he knows, this is what I was worried about.

“ Austin, take Cole to the kitchen and feed him. Please, I need to speak to Payton, “Greyson says, never taking his eyes off me.

“It is OK, Cole, you will be OK to go with your uncle.”

When the door closed behind them, I stiffened up. The tension in the room was thick.

“ Listen, Greyson, your daughter and my daughter were taken by the same people, and you know them. That is why I am here asking for your help.”

“ Payton… I am only going to ask you once, and remember I always knew when you lied to me, so do not lie “

“ Greyson, please just focus on the girls and finding them; that is what is important.”

“You are beautiful; always were. I really did want you, Payton. I just did not want a mate because they made you weak, but when you left and rejected me, that is what made me weak.” he says.

Greyson got up out of his seat and sat down on the desk in front of me, where I sat in the chair.

“ So beautiful “

“Greyson, please, the girls.”

“The twins are not Mavericks, are they? They are mine, aren’t they?”


“The truth, Payton, they are mine, aren’t they?”

“Fine, OK, yes, you are their real father.” ok, are you happy now?”

“ Why, why did you never tell me I had twins?”

I stood up to stand in front of him, making us eye to eye with him sitting on the desk.

“Why? Really. Greyson, you abused me for hours and days. Even when I was out cold, it was not us as Mates making love, conceiving them pups,

“If I had told you I was pregnant, you would have rejected the rejection and made me stay with you. I could not allow that; it took me years to get over what you did to me. I never let Maverick bed me till the wedding night, marking me to finally break the bond. It was the first and last time he touched me for years because of you, which is why my son I have, with Maverick, is 13.”

“I regret everything, Payton, I do, and you’re right. I never accepted the rejection, and I never would have. I would have spent the rest of my life making it up to you and our pups for what I did to you “

“ Well, you can’t OK.”

“ Do they know I am their father?”

“No, they know you were my mate; they know everything you put me through. The murder of the drunk, the assault, all of it, but no. Maverick is their father, and it will stay that way. “

“ They are my flesh and blood, Payton. My boy looks just like me. I thought I was looking at my teen self in the mirror again, Melody. What does she look like?” He asks.

“Me Greyson, she is the spitting image of me like Cole is of you.”


“ Will you come back with us and help us, Greyson?”

“yes. Yes, I will come back with you and our son and help find our daughter and my step-daughter, and when I do, whoever took them will die.”

Just then, Greyson cupped my face with his hands.

“Your so beautiful, Payton. I am so sorry”

Then his lips were on mine. The Beast was kissing his beauty.


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